Sonnet 94

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Sonnet 94 They that have power to hurt and will do none,That do not do the thing they most do show,Who, moving others, are themselves as stone,Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow:They rightly do inherit heaven’s gracesAnd husband nature’s riches from expense;They are the lords and owners of their faces,Others but […]

Robert Frost

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year. […]

Sonnet 116

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Sonnet 116 Let me not to the marriage of true mindsAdmit impediments. Love is not loveWhich alters when it alteration finds,Or bends with the remover to remove.O no! It is an ever-fixed markThat looks on tempests and is never shaken;It is the star to every wand ‘ring bark,Whose worth’s unknown, although […]

Endless Path

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Endless Path My formal education finished me over a quarter of a century ago. The vortex of work sucked me in, propelling me into a spiral of apprenticeship, learning on the job, and a punitive regimen of tasks that had to be completed within the specified time allotted to each. You […]

The What & How

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – THE WHAT & HOW Personality development should ideally be an integral part of formal education, like sex education and ethics. You cannot stride out of the sublime portal of an institution waving a degree or diploma in your hand to hear the job market proclaim that you lack smarts, tact, finesse, […]


Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Daffodils All of us who have had some exposure to English poetry must possess the whole or part of the poem by heart. There are a multitude of flowers more eye-catching than daffodils, but Wordsworth, in his short poem, virtually immortalises their vivacity and splendour. There was a very intimate correlation […]

Words as Remedy

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Words as Remedy I was an average student though the school I was studying in, was quite pricy and elitist. I somehow managed to keep afloat by swotting up the syllabus a few weeks before the ogre of the final examination started looming larger and closer. My top priority was just […]

Positivity Ltd

Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Positivity Ltd When words are overused or flogged to death in conversation or script, they lose their meaning and degenerate into tokens that we exchange on social or ceremonial occasions. “Could norning” utters a warm voice on the telephone. “Good morning,” you mutter drowsily. It is rather early in the day […]


Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Gitanjali It is a handy book of poems, so exiguous you can fold the paperback edition and insert it in your pocket. You can slow-read it in a couple of hours while reverting and re-reading parts of it. Poetry, by its very nature, resists perfunctory or fast reading. It comprises about […]


Pujit Aggarwal Redivivus – Schadenfreude Schadenfreude is a loanword in English borrowed from German. It means feeling joy, satisfaction, or an instantaneous ego boost in the misfortune of the other with whom you have a nominal equation: he may be your competitor, rival, condescending, holier-than-thou patron, or neighbor you are not particularly fond of You […]