REITs and InVIts – Going Beyond the Buzz

REITs and InVIts – Going Beyond the Buzz “To some, possibilities mean comic relief; others use it to rehash the formulaic.“ – Anonymous A quote that very eloquently describes the current ongoings when it comes to all things investment today, as more people discard the petty comforts of the tried and tested. Investing, for a […]
AI & Real estate: The need for a comprehensive skill evolution! – Part I

AI & Real estate: The need for a comprehensive skill evolution! – Part I It has been affirmed by many distinguished personalities that humans and machines have their genesis in the same elements. In such a scenario, the rise of artificial intelligence shouldn’t be viewed with so much alarm. In fact, AI is here to […]
Perfection doesn’t always lie at the Skyline; Time for a recalibrated perspective for Urban Architecture

Perfection doesn’t always lie at the Skyline; Time for a recalibrated perspective for Urban Architecture “The Majesty of growth can’t just be measured by its peaks.” – Anonymous One doesn’t need to become a bibliophile to discern and appreciate the underlying logic behind this quote. Progress has many yardsticks, but it is never said that […]
Real estate and AI: Where the aesthetic meets the efficient! Part II

Real estate and AI: Where the aesthetic meets the efficient! Part II The digital landscape is causing a positive disruption across industries as the procedural and the ethereal become increasingly templatised for most sectors. From the POV of real estate, digital-based advances like AI are enabling cognitive intelligence to unlock truly redefined perspectives, as demands […]
Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate: A convergence that changes everything

Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate: A convergence that changes everything “I believe AI is going to change the world more than anything in the history of humanity. More than electricity.” – Kai-Fu Lee In this profound quote by the author of “AI Superpowers”, Kai-Fu Lee succinctly highlights the unprecedented revolution of Artificial Intelligence on the […]
The Tortoise vs the Hare: What India can learn from the Real Estate collapse in China

The Tortoise vs the Hare: What India can learn from the Real Estate collapse in China Introduction A country’s real estate business is regarded as a litmus test for its economic and social health. Current growth rates in the Indian real estate market are very high, and the market is expected to hit $1 trillion […]
Investment in Commercial Real Estate: Made for Exponential Gains

Investment in Commercial Real Estate: Made for Exponential Gains Introduction: Within the never-ending dynamism of real estate investing, success most often comes from riding the right wave. Picture the Indian commercial real estate market as a vast ocean, whose ebbs and flows present opportunities and challenges that create a complex, yet alluring seascape. As an […]
Real estate and the growth in smart and autonomous living spaces: trends and outcomes

Real estate and the growth in smart and autonomous living spaces: trends and outcomes Introduction:Imagine a home that awakens with the first rays of the sun, brewing your morning coffee and gently stirring you from your slumber. A home that learns your preferences and adapts to your daily rhythm, intuitively creating an atmosphere that aligns […]
Real Estate and Job Creation: Going beyond the relativist perspective

Real Estate and Job Creation: Going beyond the relativist perspective “The Ideal is rather sacred, if not unattainable.” – Anonymous If there is any grain of truth left in the assertion quoted above, then that would most likely fit with the current narrative related to real estate being a proactive axis of employment generation. It’s […]
Sustainable Architecture: Paving the Way for Smarter and Greener Living Spaces

From Fiction To Nonfiction. What Lessons Can Be Learned From Novellas Mimicking Reality? “We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” – Winston Churchill In this profound quote, Winston Churchill highlights the powerful interplay between the world we build and how it impacts our lives. Architecture is merely not just a collection of structures; rather, […]